How to stay informed


There are numerous ways of staying up to date with the school events;



Our Roto Review newsletter comes out every second Thursday.  We send home a paper copy with each family and also post them up on the website here.


This holds current and long term information - it is the A-Z of the school.  The website also has the school calendar on the home page so you can see the upcoming events.


Our Facebook  page is a way to keep our local and school community up to date, and for last minute information spreading. It is also used to celebrate the many things happening in the school in a more real-time format. We also have a closed Facebook group just for sharing things amongst the Roto-o-Rangi School parents. You can request access to the group by searching for Roto Parents or go to the main facebook page, click on Groups and request access to the Roto Parents group.

Skool Loop App

We use an app called Skool Loop as a way of sending notices and information to our families direct to their phone or device.  This can be found on the Play Store or Apple store.  Download the app, open it up and search for Roto-o-Rangi School.  Select the groups you want to receive information from.  Once notices are sent out you will receive a notification direct to your phone or device.  

The app will give you access to the school calendar, school contact details and latest newsletter.  You'll also be able to sign permission forms, send absentee messages and book Student Conferences.


We try to cover all bases, so in addition to the above you will also receive emails from the school.  Please ensure we have the most up to date contact details for you.  If you have any questions please contact Roxy in the school office on 07 827 1727 or email



Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

David Soar Cambridge Real Estate Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant Sahara India - Indian & Mediterranean Restaurant Cooney Law Automatic Door Services ADS Electrical - DECISE Diesel & Turbo Cambridge Cleverseal IT The Micro Farm
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Get the Skool Loop - School App

Download our Skool Loop App, a simple and free download. In Google Play & App Store search ‘Skool Loop’ and choose our school once installed.

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