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Roto-o-Rangi School’s curriculum recognises the unique position of Māori within our community and New Zealand society. We provide a curriculum where all students develop their te reo and tikanga knowledge plus have experiences and understandings in cultural traditions, language, local and national histories.
Through the national curriculum, we develop high performing students with the essential abilities of a 21st Century learner. Across our classrooms fun, innovative and effective learning programmes are used. Whilst reading, writing and maths form the foundations of our class programmes, it is the knowledge and skills of the powerful learner that will help our children develop successful futures. We strive to have strong learners through:
Our goals are:
Technology plays an integral part in supporting our learning programmes. The school has an extensive and expanding ICT infrastructure based on mobile devices. Presently the school supports a device to student ratio of 1:2. Students and teachers use interactive boards, school-supplied laptops, tablets, cameras, video and various other forms of technology on our modern, fibre mobile network. Our wireless network seamlessly integrates devices across the entire school so that all students can access their personal google accounts from any room. Google for Education is utilised extensively by the students to support their classroom learning.
Support programmes are developed for children with learning needs as well as for gifted learners, so that all children can reach their potential. We employ teacher aides to work either individually or with children in small groups to support our teacher’s learning programmes. The school also engages with outside agencies if more specialised support/expertise is needed, such as Resource Teacher of Literacy, RTLB service, MOE's Learning Support Service, etc. Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s learning progress with us at any time.
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