Here are some fantastic websites to visit to support learning at home. Enjoy using them and if you find a great site, please let us know so we can share it with others.


Multiplication Games:

Click on the images to try the games.

Cave Runner

Granny Prix

Pirates 11

Marching Ants

Fairy Fun

Castle Quests

For more multiplication games, click on the following link:   Multiplication

Basic Facts:

Counting caterpillar

Peacock Trail

Number Match

Whack a Mole

For more Basic Facts games, click on the following link: Basic Facts

 For more general maths games, click on the following link: General Maths




Click on the images to try these literacy activities. 

Sandcastle Spelling

Spelling Match


Word Bites

Navigate the Newspaper

To view more literacy activities, please click on the following links:  

Literacy Activities

Additional Literacy Activities




Click on the images to try these science activities.

Skeleton and Bones

Magnets and Springs

Melting Points

How we see

Plants and Animals


To view more science activities, please click on the following link: Science Activities



All students have a Study Ladder account.  Please click on the following link to access:     


Disclaimer: Please note that our website contains links to Third-Party sites. Whilst we make every effort to monitor the suitability of sites that are linked here, Roto-o-Rangi Primary School is not responsible for the content of these sites. Likewise, references and links to any such websites should not be taken as an endorsement by the school of opinions expressed or services provided at those sites, and adult supervision of students when browsing all external sites is strongly advised.

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