Education Review Office (ERO)


Our very positive ERO report is available to read below.

ERO 2022

Here are some extracts that highlight the quality learning and teaching occuring at our school.


The school can draw from the following strengths to support its goal to enhance equitable and excellent outcomes for all leaners:

  1. leadership of learning that collaboratively develops and pursues the school’s vision, goals and targets
  2. for equity and excellence teaching and learning programmes that promote high levels of student achievement
  3. positive relationships with parents, whānau and mana whenua that support quality partnerships for learning and Māori student success.

Where to next?

Moving forward, the school will prioritise:

  • continuing to implement the Positive Behaviour for Learning programme (PB4L) to support student wellbeing, healthy relationships and sustain an inclusive culture for learning
  • developing consistency in assessment for learning practices to strengthen students’ knowledge of their own learning and next steps
  • continuing to strengthen teacher capability to further implement engaging learning opportunities that enable students to excel in their learning.


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David Soar Cambridge Real Estate Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant Sahara India - Indian & Mediterranean Restaurant Cooney Law Automatic Door Services ADS Electrical - DECISE Diesel & Turbo Cambridge Cleverseal IT The Micro Farm
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