School Bus

The Roto-o-Rangi School bus service operates two runs: The Country Run and the Town Run. 


The Town Run is operated by Cambridge Travel Lines and administered by the school. It picks up the children at Leamington Rugby Club at 8:30am and drops them back after school at 3:30pm. This service is charged at $40 per child, per term, which is approximately $4 per week.

The Country Run collects children from around the surrounding areas of Roto-o-Rangi.    
Any child that is not added to the bus list through the school office cannot travel on the bus, so please contact the office.  

Responsible behaviour on the bus is expected at all times. Children are expected to:

  • remain seated whilst the bus is moving
  • maintain a level of quiet conversation
  • get on and off the bus in a safe manner
  • keep the aisle clear

If a child who usually goes on the bus is being picked up or going to after school care we need to know, otherwise we will send them on the bus. Parents/caregivers need to leave a message on the school's answer phone advising of any bus changes by 2.50pm, or they can email/text the office. If the child tells us they are not catching the bus we will still need to contact the parents, and this holds up the bus from leaving.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

David Soar Cambridge Real Estate Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant Sahara India - Indian & Mediterranean Restaurant Cooney Law Automatic Door Services ADS Electrical - DECISE Diesel & Turbo Cambridge Cleverseal IT The Micro Farm
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