
If your child is to be absent from school for either a whole or part of the day then a parent/caregiver must contact the school to advise us before 10:00am.  To make it easier there are several ways to notify us of your child's absence - just pick whichever option suits you best; 

  • Use the absentee reporting function on the Skool Loop App and it will send us an email. 
  • Phone us on 07 827 1727 listen to the menu and leave a message on our absences voicemail
  • Send us an email to office@rotoorangi.school.nz 
  • Text us on 027 277 9351 
  • The form to the right will send an email to us when you submit it.

The school will follow up on any child who is absent without explanation, as a safety measure. If the child's absence is ongoing, please notify the school of their expected return date, or each day of the absence if this is unknown.
Any student arriving late to school MUST report to the office to notify the Office Manager of their arrival.

Should your child be required to be taken out of the school between 9.00am and 3.00pm, the adult must go to the office and notify them before departing the grounds and again advise the office when they are returned.  This is a safety measure so we know at all times who is on the school premises in case of an emergency.

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David Soar Cambridge Real Estate Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant Sahara India - Indian & Mediterranean Restaurant Cooney Law Automatic Door Services ADS Electrical - DECISE Diesel & Turbo Cambridge Cleverseal IT The Micro Farm
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