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Nau mai, haere mai ki te kura o Roto-o-Rangi

Maungatautari Mountain provides the perfect rural backdrop to our spacious park-like grounds, boasting fruit and native trees, vegetable gardens and of course an enormous field for our tamariki to enjoy. 


If you are looking for a kura / school that is a little bit different we welcome you to come for a visit!

Introducing Our School

We are a vibrant country primary school located in the heart of the Roto-o-Rangi district, just a short drive from Cambridge.

Roto-o-Rangi means Lake of the Sky due to the very large, shallow roto/lake that existed here pre-European settlement. The large, flat surface of the roto reflected te rangi/the sky.

Our school is a mix of rural and town students from Years 1 to 6.  As a school, we have a clear and strong Vision: Tuurangawaewae/Belonging, Mahi Tahi/Co-operation and Rerekeetanga/Innovation. A kura where tauira/students find a sense of belonging, work together and prepare for success in their future. We are a PB4L School, with a focus on positive behaviour centred around our three school values of Respect/Whakaute, Responsibility/Manawaroa and Resilience/Takohanga. 

A school bus runs daily from Leamington Rugby Sports Club and a rural bus collects students from around the Roto-o-Rangi and Kairangi areas. We have ample parking available for families who drop off and collect their children, with Before and After School Care programmes operating daily. 

At Roto-o-Rangi School, we combine country values with modern learning. We are committed to providing a positive, stimulating, enjoyable learning environment where your child is encouraged to 'Tuumanako Teitei Aim High' and reach their full potential. Our smaller size allows the relationships between students, teachers/ngaa kaiako, ngaa whaanau/families and peers to flourish. Kaiako can truly know the individual and get the best out of them.

Our high quality teaching staff provide stimulating, challenging and learner-centred teaching practices. They incorporate traditional, proven techniques with modern, innovative approaches to develop the strong foundations needed for our tamariki to thrive in an ever-changing future.

To find out more about us, please take your time to explore our site, visit our Facebook page or call in for a visit.  

I look forward to personally meeting you and having you and your child/ren join our school community. 

 Ngaa mihi, 

Wayne Donnellon - Principal

Calendar & Facebook

What's happening at Roto o Rangi School?

Upcoming Events in February

Wed 19

Kapa haka

19 Feb 2025

Wed 19


19 Feb 2025

Thu 20

Ignite Music Lessons

20 Feb 2025

Fri 21

Rangiaowhia -Whakamaumahara

21 Feb 2025

Fri 21


21 Feb 2025

Wed 26

NO - Kapa haka

26 Feb 2025

Thu 27

Newsletter Day

27 Feb 2025

Thu 27

Whole School Camp

27 Feb 2025 - 28 Feb 2025

Latest Notices

March assembly day changes
18 Feb 2025

Assembly dates changes. With the Roto Swimming Sports and the Rural Schools' Swimming Sports all falling on the same day as our assemblies, rather than miss the assemblies, they have been moved to the following Fridays instead. They have been changed in the school's Google calendar. They will now be on Friday 14th and 28th March.

And a reminder that on Monday 3rd March, all the smaller Rural Schools will be holding their MoE designed Maths PLD Teacher Only Day so school will be closed for the day. All the smaller rural schools' teachers will be meeting at Roto for the PLD on that day.

Kia pai too raa.  Have a great day.

Maungatautari Marae Address
17 Feb 2025

A few families have asked where Maungatautari Marae is, so here is the address for you to pop into Google Maps or another mapping app! 

​Maungatautari Pa 271 Hicks Road, Maungatautari 3494

Week 4 - What's On?
17 Feb 2025

Teenaa koutou e te whaanau! 

Week 4 this week, so what's on for us? 


  • If you haven't already, please check out the newsletter that came out last Thursday and make a note of important dates and events.
  • Camp notices also came home on Thursday. These need to be returned no later than tomorrow to allow us to plan and organise. We can answer a couple of questions below, but if you have any others please get in touch as soon as possible:  
    • Do they have to attend camp? Can't we just keep them home?  Camp is an EOTC 'Education Outside The Classroom' activity, which is part of the Curriculum, so yes, your child is expected to attend. If they do not attend, their absence will be marked on the roll as unjustified.
    • My child won't be able to stay at night, is that ok?  Some children aren't quite ready to stay overnight. This is fine but we would love for them to participate in the other activities. Come out and have dinner with us on Thursday and take them home afterwards. They can be dropped back out early on Friday morning as we will most definitely be awake!
    • If my child comes for just part of the camp do we still need to pay the full amount?  Yes. Our costs have been calculated based on almost all of our students attending and we need to cover them.
    • We can't afford to pay before the 27th. That's fine. Please pay when you can, and do consider setting up an automatic payment. Please get in touch if you are concerned.


  • Garden to Table for Rooms 2  & 4 is in our second block (11.20-12.45). If you can help us please reach out. Students participating need to wear closed-toe shoes, and long hair must be tied back.


  • Kapa haka 9 - 11am
  • Launchpad at lunchtime for those who have opted in (see previous notice)
  • PTA AGM at 7.15pm at the Five Stags, Leamington. All are welcome to attend. 


  • Ignite music lessons - it's not too late to sign your child up. Head over to their website for more information. 


  • Our first assembly of the term is at 2.10pm in the MP Room. All are welcome to come along! 

Have a wonderful week!

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

David Soar Cambridge Real Estate Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant Sahara India - Indian & Mediterranean Restaurant Cooney Law Automatic Door Services ADS Electrical - DECISE Diesel & Turbo Cambridge Cleverseal IT The Micro Farm
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